Bad Hex

Writer / Creator

Charlie Dinkin




8 x 30


£500K per ep

Studio | Co Pro





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When Jess tries to call off a rebound relationship with an all-powerful witch, she learns how bad a break up can really be.

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Against her better judgement, Jess falls into an intense new relationship. At first, itseems like the perfect rebound, as Cassandra encourages all of Jess’ worstimpulses with her endless love bombing, but Jess is really only looking for a fling.Sadly, Cassandra has the opposite idea. And she always gets what she wants.When Jess tries to break things off, she finds that Cassandra simply won’t take nofor an answer, and now, really, really bad things keep happening. When ghostingsomeone simply doesn’t work, what comes next? Burning? It’s the ultimate toxicrelationship.Still, there are some upsides: suddenly, Jess’ music career is booming, and herkeepy-uppy game is on point. T o the outside world, it seems like she’s finally thriving.But the downsides are…pretty gory. As Jess and her childhood best friend Priyawork together to figure out how to shut the relationship down for good, Cassandramanages to embed herself deeper into Jess’ family and friendship group, meaning there are fewer places that Jess can escape to, until avoidance (Jess’ favourite crutch) simply isn’t an option any more. When realising that Jess has been trying to win Zara back unleashes Cassandra’s most vengeful behaviour yet, Jess has to face her demons and truly decide what she’s willing to sacrifice for love….or, you know, whatever it is you have with an ex.

Script available upon request

